dinsdag 21 juni 2011

Beauty in music: Antony and the Johnsons

Antony and the Johnsons is a music group presenting the work of Antony Hegarty and his collaborators. Antony is a truly androgynous character, not in the media-crazed attention hankering way of -say- Boy George or RuPaul. But he is genuinely a human being who seems to be half-way the male-female spectrum. His unusual, amazing voice also seems to be sexless, or perhaps ambisexual. Antony's music is poetic, symphonic, melancholy and highly personal. 

This song is my favourite, 'Rapture', as performed live by Antony and the Metropole Orchestra in Holland. I can just cry when I hear this, not because it makes me sad, but because it is so beautiful and so fragile.

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